Your fathomless sea

Between our babbled sentences too many blanks I shot, swallowed my tongue; dried like the million words in the dictionary i knew not a tenth but even tattooed on my hair strands they swayed, limp…


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The Power of Emotions and the Wisdom of Intelligence

In the intricate tapestry of life, emotions and intelligence are the threads that make us who we are. While some believe emotions can lead us astray, I firmly believe that it is their dance with intelligence that creates a beautiful symphony of experiences. Emotions are not to be feared or suppressed; instead, they should be embraced and understood, for they hold the key to unlocking our true selves.

In the intricate dance of life, emotions and intelligence are not adversaries, but partners. From my perspective, it is vital to strike a balance between the two, appreciating the wisdom each brings to our lives. Embracing emotions and understanding their role in shaping our decisions can lead us to a more authentic and fulfilling existence. So, let us cherish the power of emotions and the wisdom of intelligence, for together, they create the symphony of our lives.

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