What is User Experience Design?

It is all about how people interact with PRODUCTS and SERVICES in their day to day life. There are many factors which influence the interactive experience. Like — Let’s take a example of Wallets like…


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Double Exposure

As faith evolves beyond patriarchy and understanding deepens…

Ancient Church in France — Photo by Author

Double Exposure

Yesterday we celebrated the Lord’s Supper in our church. We also celebrated an infant baptism. The two events became superimposed upon my heart.

We were nourished at communion with spiritual food. Christ’s broken body. Christ’s blood shed for the complete remission of all our sins. We remembered and believed. We were nourished as truly as an infant at its mother’s breast.

I thought of Moses angrily confronting God in the ancient desert: “Did I conceive all this people? Did I give birth to them, that you should say to me, ‘Carry them in your bosom as a nurse carries a sucking child,’ to the land that you promised on oath to their ancestors?” (Num11:12)

No Moses, I thought. God is the one who conceived us and gave birth to us and carries and feeds us as if we are sucking children.

Feeds us as surely as each of our mothers, (created in God’s image) after shedding her blood to give us life, fed us with her body and made us one with her again.

Seeing that young couple holding their newborn, reminded me of my FatherMother God in whom I am reborn. Whose arms have held me since before my baptism. Who saves me daily from myself and feeds me love and makes me one with God.

Whose salvation I remember at communion.

Written March 15, 1999

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