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Ellipsis. . . Are They Bad for Your Article?

Photo by Elijah O’Donnell Courtesy of Unsplash

Or are they as good as exclamation points!

Some people just take the fun out of writing. I love to use ellipses and exclamation points in my writing!

Well, if the “Wha whawhawawa.” wasn’t essential to my point, it could be replaced with an ellipsis like this: “Blah blah blah blahblahblah. Blah blaba blababa. . . . Blablabla blabla.”

There are four dots up above in my example because, according to Ms. Bureman, “ You might wonder just how many dots should be in an ellipsis. . . .!(Writer edit: See how I did that there? I don’t know if that is correct, but pretend it is for this demonstration.). Sometimes there are four!

That’s a lie, actually. There is no such thing as a four-dot ellipsis. A four-dot ellipsis is actually an ellipsis with a period at the end of it. It’s important to remember that you still should punctuate properly even if you’re using an ellipsis.”

The other way Ms. Bureman says you can use an ellipsis is if, “. . . an ellipsis [is]used as an indication of a place where the writer or speaker has paused or lost their train of thought.”

So, apparently if you have a character who cannot keep his thoughts straight, you can use and ellipsis like thi. . .wait, what was I saying, again?

I dunno. . .seems to take the fun out of writing! I think its better to be ignorant than have to work so hard to make it write. . .er, I mean “right”!

Boy, I sure hope Ms. Bureman didn’t write any articles on how to use the exclamation point! Otherwise, I am screwed!!!

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